Tuesday 15 October 2024

October 2024


Deadly Imagination

Mononoke-San takes it upon herself to help see the spirits and gods taken care of from humankind that simultaneously separated itself from the wild, while also tearing it down.

As a method to take revenge upon them, as well as boost the morale of the forest inhabitants, San has successfully lured the youth, the future generation that the townsfolk would rely on to carry out the future, entrapped in the coils of a very long, very powerful, very hungry serpent. That will squeeze each and everyone of these poor lads to submission before being swallowed alive seems like a mercy.

It amuses Mononoke to see the invaders so powerless and useslessly struggling, it will be so much nicer when they're wiggling bulges in Korail's stomach.

Made Powerless

Being a half-godly telepath, one would think it wouldn't be possible for a snake to take down the Genocyber splinter, Elaine Reed. But when ambushed it certainly can.

The blonde girl was merely trekking around aimlessly when the massive green man-eater struck from the corner the performed an aggressive bite before pulling her with great strength into its massive coils.

The bite itself was painful, and enough to both confuse and stagger the metahuman, and with the immediate strangulation that followed the next second, Elaine's blood was rushing and her head was failing to comprehend the situation exactly for what it is, only focusing on her bruising pain. Making it difficult to use her telepathy to bail herself out of the situation.

And with each and each press of the massive coils, the mute was losing consciousness, her vision became blurry, the eyelips were rapid-fire blinking, the taste of blood filled her mouth and her limps went lifeless, with the coils themselves keeping her from collapsing to the floor like a corpse.

She wasn't quiet dead, yet the python unhinged its jaws to start eating.

This could perhaps be a small blessing for Elaine by buying her precious time to recooperate herself and use her abilities to shred the snake to mince meat, but if she passes out inside the disgusting belly, then the Godly child become nothing more than meat for the snake.

Gangles Replacement Body

After the circus's latest off-world adventure was complete, Gangle came back with a new possession. Literally.

Typically Caine doesn't like NPC's running around his playroom, but if Gangle keeps attached to this body then Telia will only ever equate to an inanimate toy for ribbons to parade around as her new skin. 

Grub Mother Telia's

[If anyone wanted to know what inspired my Nurgle-Grovekeeper Telia design, here you go]

It seems no matter the universe Telia is in, she's destined to be made a helpful big-sister like figure to the natural wildlife.

Though what the specific wildlife it varies.

Anaconda (1997) / Pokemon Traceover

The death scenes of the Anaconda horror film with the change up being the characters are switched to the Pokémon cast;

Iris = Mateo

Serena = Gary Dixon

Dawn = Denise Karlberg

May = Warren Westridge

Ash & Misty = Danny & Terri

Jessie = Paul Sarone

Big Problems for Little Woman

There are a lot of aggressive bugs out in the woods that Fairies often have to deal with.
 That typically isn't a problem when you have magic on your side, but typically it requires speaking a few words and wiggling your fingers. So when a trio gets ambushed by several dozen spiders with paralytic bites, the three can only watch helplessly as they are smothered in fuzzy fingers and dragged into a secret dark burrow to be webbed up.
Till Death do Us Part

Arthur never would have believed how truly fanatic Hazels obsession with him would end up.
Having brought Arthur Pendragon to a special place in the nearby forest, The future king was ambushed by the hypnotic serpent Kaa. But not Hazel.
Both of whom had worked out a deal to get what they wanted, with Kaa having the longer benefit of his deal.
Stripping down to the bare essentials, Hazel hugged onto Arthur tightly and gazed upon that goofy blissful smile of her love as Kaa swallowed them both feet first, confining them both to the tight stomach that would keep them immobilized.
And keep Arthur from spending any second away from Hazels embrace.


Anonymous said...

Anaconda is the best and to see this done in your style is lovely~~~

Anonymous said...

I wanna see chihiro being squeezed by kaa the way seviper is giving it to Jesse

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love your internals they look so cozy