Friday 30 August 2024

Two-Snakes, Two-Cubs [4 Page Comic]

Saria and Link, despite all their survival experience in the Lost Woods, find themselves hostage to not just one, but two serpentine creatures that have special eyes locked on to them.

Or, are the two cubs locked on to the snake eyes?

[Page 1] 

The effects of the Great-Deku Tree's decline had become very obvious very fast.

With the aura of the forest spirit gone, more monstrous creatures had inched further and further inward of the Forest, closer and closer towards the Kokiri camp.

Saria still hung about the ruined temple to play her song and be comforted by the other woodland life in spite of this, if anything she would make for a useful scout to take note if anything sinister was making its way nearby, assuming of course she would be able to duck away from whatever dangers lurked around.

Little did she know a serpent had eyeballed her route a few days earlier, and bided its time until its stomach was ready to eat again.

A Kokiri didn't have as much fat as the boar Kaa had feasted on previously, but he suspected they would taste so, so much better.

Once Saria had exited out from the dirt burrow away from the Forest Temple, Kaa sling-shotted his tail from up above and secured it around the green-haired sprite in a jiffy, pulling her off the ground to meet his gaze.

Though Saria had time to scream and call for help, the lack of understanding of this situation kept her from reacting appropriately, not that anyone was close by enough to respond if she did anyhow.

Getting down to business, Kaa worked his hypnosis on the poor helpless girl right away. Giving her no time to recollect her surroundings and instead focus on those everchanging rainbow eyes, feeling Inertia overwhelm her body. Yet ready to groggily obey Kaa if and when he gave her demands.

Of course Kaa was all too aware of his bad luck in the past with man-cubs. Of course toying with this one would increase the likelihood of her getting away.

But much like Saria was under his spell, how could he possibly resist mucking around with living toy.

He forced her to pull faces.

He forced her to do animal impressions.

He had her dance like a snake.

He slipped off her boots and tickled her soles until she saw tears coming out of those spiraling eyes of hers.

Several minutes of mockery later, he had his fill of fun and commanded her to shut her eyes, he cocooned her nice and tight leaving only her head exposed before bringing it up to his mouth.

Getting half of it in his gob, he could already tell from the first taste he was going to enjoy every second of devouring his humanlike thing, and enjoy it still as it slept peacefully in his digestive stomach.

But was the bad luck coming his way again he thought when he felt something poking him in the back of the neck.

It felt like fingers of a human, but he was very high up in the trees? Could it be..

Releasing his mouth from Saria, he turned to see a face he had met before.

Nancy Chrystal

"I know of this Kokiri" Chrystal said to Kaa, leaning in to get a better look.

Kaa pulled his cocoon back away from Nancy.

"I caught it fair and square, Get your own."

"Then what say I trade you for her back Kaa. A different Kokiri in her place."

"I would rather eat thissss one here and now. Why don't you slither off and get a replacement for yoursssself?"

"Ah, but Kaa. Don't you see the oppertunity at play?"

Kaa tilted his head in confusion. 

"For someone like me with amazing eyes, you certainly are shot sighted."

Raising two fingers up, she continued. "Have you ever had two docile puppets before? Let me send this girl for a second Kokiri. With two under our control we can play with them in a way you can't possibly do with merely one hypnotized subject. After we're finished you can take the other lured woodland being in exchange for giving me back the green haired one."

Kaa's patience was wearing thin, but perhaps there was an idea or two in the middle of this plan that could make it worth it.

"But how do you proposssse we get her to bring another."

"Allow me, I can place a command at the back of her head."

Taking over control over Saria. Nancy held the girls cheeks like a caring bigger sister and commanded. "Oh my little cub. Go back to the village you're from and bring me a friend of yours, tell them some fairies have taken your boots and you'll need help getting them back. I'll be waiting for you right here and the lot of us can play as one big happy group. Oh, and squint your eyes just to be sure no one can catch on to our little game."

Sending the dazed Saria away in confidence, so long as no other animal or deku-type creature would snap the girl out of her trance. Even if that happened the Lamia still had the boots as some form of leverage.

Saria came really close to the village but happened upon Link coming from the hidden cave leading to Death-Mountain.

He wasn't exactly a Kokiri, but certainly he was an equally worthy companion to invite to Nancy's games.

Gaining his attention, Saria approached her best friend and told him of the 'fairy thievery' she was told to repeat.

It was odd to Link that Saria had said what she said to him wearing a big smile as if she was instead bringing him to a tree ripe with fruits. But perhaps he was thinking too much of it and proceeded to the location with her.

With Link successfully lured to the spot of the serpents, he soon found himself ambushed by both hypnotic serpents both working there spells at the poor boy at the same time. His mind overwhelmed as it was, Saria was made to hold him in place to keep the pressure as high as possible.

All things considered his resistance was incredible, but inevitable.

With the two friends under the Nancy and Kaa's control, they took advantage of having two puppets, first employing the same tactics used earlier on Saria; tickling, dancing, impressions. Then moved on to balancing them not just on their coils but each other, having the two take turns massaging them, swinging dumbly on the coils.

A good hour and a half of fun messing about with the two before Kaa was ready to eat.

With his back turned to Nancy and ready to swallow the blonde boy, a sudden thwack to the back of Kaa's head left him in greater injury then even the collapse from up high from a tree wasn't comparable.

Nancy had taken both Saria and Link in her clutch of coils and waved Kaa goodbye.

"I said you could have the other Kokiri once I was done playing with them. But I ssssuppose I should have clarified, I'll never be done mucking around with the sprites."

With the two cubs under her control, Nancy retreated to a secret Grotto to keep other Kokiri from interfering with her mockery.
She pondered.
"I wonder if you two have feelings for each other. I heard Kokiri don't go further then friendship. But you two look quiet the type."
Grabbing both there heads, she demanded they close there eyes and pucker there lips.
"Oh well." She thought. "I can play with my dolls however I want."

Before she forced a kiss between the two, a sudden sharp sting struck the back of her neck.
She smacked the stabbing spot with quick speed but didn't feel anything that might have caused it.

Turning her head to look, she was worried upon seeing a blue and purple fairy smuggly looking back at her, one with a bottle and one with a needle.
"Sorry if the Skulltula Secretion hurt." Gator the purple fairy said.
"Don't worry. It's not fatal." Navi the blue one continued. "You'll just be paralyzed for the next half an hour while we get the kids home, thank you very much."

With that, Nancy lost control of her body and slammed to the ground.
The fairies lightly bonked the Kokiri's heads enough to irritate them and wake them from the spell. 
Boy. What a day.

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