Saturday 29 June 2024

June 2024

Juvenile Genderbend
My main list of characters if there Chromosone switch a letter.

Intercepting the Monkey

After being ditched by Terk to go hang out with her own friends, Tarzan decided he needed to man up like a proper non-defective gorilla and headed to the waterfalls to join back up with the other three kids.
However, Terk and the others got quiet a bit of distance well ahead of the orphaned Brit, and as the actually gorilla's had brushed there way through shrubs and all manner of greenery, their loud noises had caught the attention of a hypnotic green boa who had lowered itself and spotted the mammals, it was going to follow them to the waterfall before it heard a slower one coming in from behind.
Ambushing poor Tarzan, the snake made quick work of its hypnotic ability to keep Tarzan's gaze fixated, keep the boy from running off or calling for help.
Tarzans initial fear and panic upon seeing the huge snake, his worries melted away and his scared expression quickly turned into a pleased smile, as if he was comforted by his mother on a nice warm and calm day.
As soon as the serpent was sure Tarzan was under his control, the snake ordered the boy to fall under a deep sleep, and in mere seconds the child was already sleeping and had his mind focused on lovely dreams.
Tarzan's body limp on the floor, the snake then curled its tail around his legs and lifted him upside down to gage any reaction from his upcoming food to see if there was any possibility of him waking up.
Looks like there was no worry about an incoming struggle anytime soon.
Supper's ready!

Hypnosis Addiction

Kaa needn't even implant any secret messages behind your ear to get you addicted, the hypnosis alone will get you hooked on it.

Spider Strangling

Peni Parker's all about discovering new things, and thanks to this talking snake that she's somewhat friends with, she discovers a new fetish of hers.

An Unfortunate Misinterpretation

As Kaa slithered through the jungle, he came across two tribal hunters that were speaking with each other, unalerted to any predator that could be eyeballing them.
Exactly as Kaa would ask for.
Sneaking up against the two and beaming his hypnotic magic the moment he gained there attention, the two hunters were falling under spell albeit with strong resistance, futile as it would be.
As a means to force them to surrender to his hypnotic ability much stronger, and to be 'polite' to the two he had assumed were boyfriend and girlfriend, and forced Nayra and Uru to kiss vigorously as a means of a lovers commitment.
Pity he didn't know the proper context of these two, but at the end of the day they would be lunch and dinner, all the same.

Never forget the Ancestor

It was about 10 years ago this week that we had received the last ever post from peril artist AncestorsRelic. 9 years ago I did my own tribute piece but seem to have lost that artwork with the removal of my own DA post.
Seemed necessary to remake the post anyway given the previous one was an Ms.Paint post anyhow. And though his comments towards my own art are not archived, I remember many of them well. He loved his books and would regularly source quotes from them with the book-titles included when he found relevancy for them.
Sucuriju will never go to waste.

Chase to Catch

Not one to learn his lesson, Chris Thorndyke pursued Frances into the forest with a giant caveman's club in hand with the intent of catching up to her and knocking her out. 
He suspected well she was luring him into a trap, but he assumed he'd be ready no matter what. Looking out for suspicious flowers or wet mud to not fall into to become trapped.
He wasn't suspecting a living animal to get in the way and spring its tail forward like a bolt of lightning to wrap around his leg and trip him up.
Before he could gain his bearings, Kaa beamed his hypnotic rings straight into Thorndykes eyes, causing them to mimic the colours.
Understanding the dilemma he was being put under, Chris was managing (poorly) to hold onto his conscious in a futile attempt to resist the hypnosis, but Frances started tickling his ribs that caused too much of a distraction for Chris to keep his mind focused on saving himself from the serpents spell.

"And there he goessss." Kaa insisted upon seeing the big dumb smile of Thorndyke.
Kaa wound himself around Chris's near paralyzed and helpless body before pulling him up straight.
Francis and Kaa admired the bait being so helpless before them.

"My spell workssss wonders, there won't be anything we can asssk of him that he could deny if in his power, or do to him with any pusssh back. Since you got him here, you get firsssst dibs."

A Dreamlike Scenario

Is this Kaa's dream?
Max's? Roxanne's?
Is this even a dream? Or is Roxanne willing to be a serpents puppet-plaything in exchange for the satisfaction and comfort of the snakes hypnosis and brushing coils.

A Lie to Link
The Hero of Time scolds Kaa for lying to him. But unlink Mowgli, Kaa's not going to approach Link directly head on.
What Lie did the serpent tell the Man-cub? I hope it was "I won't take more then a minute of your time."

Hopeless Holdout [Part 1/2]

The sun was gone, the moon rising and it was still a good half-an-hour before Keira could make it back to her tribal home.
Many wildlife out here was more frenzied in the dark and walking the rest of the way was a little too much of a risk to finish, instead Keira climbed a tall tree to escape from ground based predators.
Not the most comfortable spot to rest, both in terms of snugness or calmness, but it would half to do.

The tribal girl almost successfully dozed off with her back to the tree base before hearing the rustling of leaves just above her.
A cause for concern, she opened her eyes ready to look up, but turned her head back straight forward once recognizing something was in front.
She saw the silhouette of something big in front, but what really caught her attention at first was two glowing teal pin-pricks.
Adjusting her eyes, her notice of the thing in question was that of a massive snake, a Titanoboa staring straight back at her, the teal glow beaming from its eyes.
Keira was ready to leap off the tree to her left where she recalled the next highest branch was, but soon found a bump in her body as if she had slammed herself into a boulder at great speed.
This was not a one off feeling, every time she made the attempt to turn away to gain her bearings, this thudding-feeling kept persisting, and her eyes locked on to the snake that fortunately had not launched a bite yet.
Keira could handle much of the wildlife, but she knew her own knowledge, agility and strength would be for naught if the snakes inward fangs locked into her flesh.
But there was another feeling that was causing goosebumps to rise on her skin. Every moment she was not trying to turn away, when she continued looking at the snake, her body felt light. Airborne, like she was falling calmly. Like sliding down Melston's trunk.
The brief memory of the mammoth then made her realise something.
Melston spoke of an animal like this. He had spoken of many anomalies animals that few humans had ever witnessed and lived to tell of, a serpent named Alocalt that hide in the forest like a ghost despite its massive size, only revealing itself to its prey to immobilize and swallow alive. Melston himself was too large a beast to be a victim to Alocalt and happened to have seen the serpent with no harm to himself.
No human eyeballed before had been equally lucky.

Already afraid of this man-eater to begin with, what could be called a 'wave' of dread that began with the sight of this snake would now be a 'tsunami' of dread now that Keira believed she was a certain as all meal, that even if a larger suitable meal walked by, the snake wouldn't let up its initial target.
"" Keira weakly uttered to herself, trying again to break free to no avail, so long as the eyes glowed she'd be afforded to chance to resist, and even if the serpent stopping its magic and allowed her time, truly how much would her willpower need to be afforded to surface back?

"No what?" The snake replied with a rather caring and concerned tone.

Keira was certainly not expecting the snake to talk, but that created even the tiniest glimmer of hope yet.
"Don.... don't eat.. don't eat..." Keira tiredly spoke, failing to finish that short sentence.
The brushing of leaves continued even though the head stayed in place rather still, and soon the girl felt the massive coils from the serpents tail slithering around, not quiet squeezing her in loops yet, but brushing parts of her waistline."

"Do you sussspect I ssshall eat you?" Alocalt finished her sentence.
Keira attempted to nod, but her ever-increasing daze and tired state would not afford her the muscle control to do even that.
The long gap of silence was enough to answer the snakes question.

"I never said I wasss going to eat you young one." 
"Why.. .why else would you.. be..." (The word, hypnotizing, couldn't reach her brain) "Keira"

"Little one. I only eat when I am hungry. But I do so love to use my power, I do sssso love to see helplessssnesss. Sssseeeing creatures such as yourssself that pride themssselves a little to much be made ssso vulnerable and weak in my clutch will always be amussssing. You'll wake on ssssunrisssse. Until then, do pleasssse squirm in my coilssss. If you don't submit to my power, then I will ssssubsitute with you failing to break free from my grassssp."

Not an illogical line of reasoning, but it didn't seem to add up, its words would suggest it would entomb her in coils and watch her scream for help in futility and use the hypnosis secondarily.
Nevertheless, what truly could she do to stop the snake. The coils hadn't even closed in to make a single loop and yet it seemed she already lost this fight.
And with how hazy things were, perhaps it already spun its looped around her entire body and she was remembering this conversation from 5 minutes ago.
'What if I'm actually already in the beasts mouth?' she thought to herself. 'What if I'm dreaming my last thoughts.'
'All the more reason to to not try and wake up.' another voice that sounded like her own said.
Was this the hypnosis speaking to her? Or another rational of her consciousness.

Crisis of Comfort
Is it possible that the relaxation one can get by being cuddled in Kaa's coils will provide more than one can experience from the snakes hypnotic ability?


Anonymous said...

Kaa should only need to kiss and squeeze to keep me by

Anonymous said...

Good idea

Anonymous said...

Más cómic de vore por favor

Anonymous said...

*And before Peni decides to introduce her other spider friends to Kaa, so they can experience the same feeling.*

I can imagine a sequel to this with Peni watching as Gwen gets the strangling treatment.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant idea

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Amazing artist

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

This is worth it

V-D-ART said...

Was she correct in thinking she was already wrapped up and just imagining that she wasn't coiled? Is that what the second image says?