Sunday 28 April 2024

April 2024

Dog at Home

Of course anyone whose watched the 1989 Jungle Book adaptation knows Messua would never say this about Mowgli (Her little Keshnu), but I can't help myself but make the joke when I notice it.

Tomoko's Heated Peril

A sequel piece to "Lured the Serpent" [March 2023], Tomoko has been eaten by Kaa the Snake, the tight inner confines squeezing her in place, she's completely wet with drool, her breathe bouncing off the meat walls is brushing off her face and making her hot, and her fingers are pressed against her underwear.
Misinterpreting the peril thanks largely to the hypnosis, Kuroki couldn't shake the feeling of arousal around her, even if she didn't understand what was causing it. Going so far as to slip her fingers inside the underwear and take full advantage.
Kaa had noticed this adult act coming from his food, but decided not to intervene, the situation was causing the hypnosis to stay dominant as Tomoko didn't want this feeling to end, and he wouldn't be so cruel to upset his victims.

Caught in the Middle
Chihiro finds herself between thousands of pounds of crushing powerful coils being tugged between Kaa and Mowgli both of whom want this jungle-ized girl to themselves.
Kaa because she's an amusing cub to keep a hold of to play with however he wishes (If Chihiro herself doesn't show interest in his ideas) being more fun to him alive then as a meal.
Mowgli because she would be the perfect Girlfriend for someone like him in the Jungle who likely would never be welcome into the Man-village for obvious reasons.

Bout damn time I came back to NagaMowgli + Chihiro

Kaa's Puppets

While Sora and Kairi were clearing out heartless from harming unsuspecting worlds, Organization XIII were keeping tabs on the two.
Over in Rhythm Jungle, the two were suddenly ambushed by a doppelganger sent to take Sora in alive. But distracted in the fight, a creature lured in by the sounds of commotion managed to sneak up on all three and place them under his spell.
Xion was finding it easier to resist, and Kaa noticed, making sure his other puppets would wear her down.

"You're resssisting me, to wonder off in the dangerousss jungle alone. You're trussting of no one will make you unhappy and aimlessss. With me you have purpossse to stay in the jungle, my coilssss will keep you relaxed and happy Man-cub. What posssible benefit do you have to run away from me, what plan to ssstay in the jungle do you have without my help?"

A Casual Meeting of the Friends
Zabash: "Nalee, when I look in your eyes, it's like I look upon the face of an angel."

Two Man-Cubs in One Day
After befriending Akira, a girl from the man-village who found her way into the jungle from a river accident, Mowgli agreed to help the attractive stranger from being a meal to the terrible Shere'Khan, while getting to know each other in private, Akira wanting to know what the jungle life was like from Mowgli's perspective, and Mowgli wanting to know about the Village life was like.
In there distraction, Kaa the python arrived and hypnotized them both into an idle dull-minded state.
Kaa was hungry, in desperate need of a meal. One really large meal, or two medium sized substitutes to suffice.
Found out about two hours ago that DQ Entertainment is getting a sequel Movie(?), and I felt like bringing it some attention, I don't know necessarily if Kaa will be appearing in it, but here's hoping something comes of it for us coil fetishes.

Two Wings VS Four Wings
The Weak should FEAR the Strong.
Here's hoping this doesn't take place between the last two chapters of Peter Pan if ya know what I mean.

Part Human, Part Bear, Part Snake

Pyrénée finds herself Naganized, but not just a normal giant snake tail, a fluffy one.
All the advantages for the ginger wild girl.

No Ifs, No Buts, No Coconuts

Teo and Tiffany find themselves prey once more to Kaa, but this time not in isolation, instead both falling prey to the allure of the hypnotic rings at the same time.
And said allure only got amplified with Kaa forcing the two under his control to kiss each other until he commands otherwise.
The two wild childs have no chance of saving themselves. Will someone else come and save the day? Or is Kaa's long overdue meal finally prepared.

Eat The Rat! [Mouse]
While the Mavericks were out in a local pub, a sudden screech was heard coming from a Barista who stumbled upon a dead mouse laying next to a potato barrel.
Telia questioned why anyone would be afraid of a dead mouse when even a live one isn't all so threatening. Jonah responded about all the diseases they could questionably carry and no one reasonable would want to touch them.
Telia replied that she ate plenty as a young kid formerly raised by Panthers, and as far as she knows she didn't contract anything.
"You definitely did not." Nayra said smugly. "Little thing like you would have died from bane."

Though Telia turned to Vegetarianism years ago out of respect for life, it was clear no one else was going to make use out of the carcass, and with a point on her history to prove, Telia grabbed the mouse and was ready to not let it go to waste.

4 Swords, 4 Worms, 1000 Kisses
The split Links managed to get equally dealt with, when the Purple Link was pounced by a surprise Moldworm, the other 3 attempted to act quickly in pulling the snake-like creature off, but that served as a good distraction for the other lingering moldworms to dangle from the trees and grab there own Time-Hero to squeeze and mooch.

Druid Streaming
Screenshot taken moments before disaster.

Hypnosis Experimentation (2024 Redo)
With someone so willing to be mind-controlled by you, you merely have to ask them, Kaa cant help but think to work out the limitations and options to risk breaking the poor kids brain on.
In this instance, wondering if his demanding of them to ignore his commands and fight to regain control will result in a stronger willpower, or confuse there minds to the point of falling under even faster.


Elis said...

that's both adorable and Funny all at once

Anonymous said...

What a waste. He could have kept her as his own personal playmate to please himself.

Henry Scouple said...

I'm not of the opinion Kaa would use anyone other then perhaps another snake for that kind of thing.

Anonymous said...

Either way chichiro will have a snake boyfriend. Personally I'd love to be in kaa's coils.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant artist

Anonymous said...

That piece with DQ Kaa is good, but where did you learn about a sequel film?

Henry Scouple said...

Anonymous said...

I wanna see Nala smooched by those worms.