Friday 29 September 2023

September 2023 Pieces

The Most Cursed Ship

Awhile ago I was wondering if for Spooktober I should just pair up the worst possible couple in my OC bracket. Two characters that came to mind that don't know each other, and absolutely would not get along if they did would be Telia Whiteclaw of Quinbrigg and Mital of Errassia Island.

And yet, here they are sharing lovey dovey eyes to each other while sharing a Chocolate Spider (Drink)

Also I decided to put Mital in SCARs outfit. Mostly because I wanted to draw him in something more casual then his normal tribal gear, and putting him in Telia's Nemesis' outfit was just too funny to not consider.


Kaa's Lucky Day
A redo of one of my oldest Kaa pairings, Kaa the serpent has snatched up Konata Izumi wearing a loincloth for some reason. Maybe she was doing some roleplay before getting ambushed, or maybe Kaa is keeping her as a pet and put her in something aesthetically appropriate.
Taking the Teacher
After an unfortunate mishap occurred with his moms confiscated magic wand, Tom has accidentally transported not only himself, but his teach Miss Tinker into the Jungle Book, and it didn't take long before something hungry came a'slitherin to greet the teacher.
(Characters belong to Xilam Entertainment)

Roxanne's Choker

Know the difference

Possible Best Meal

A secret mission to infiltrate Monkey-Fist's secret lair in the Indian Jungle gets botched while Kim Possible was out scanning the surroundings from a safe distance with some binoculars.
So focused she was in getting data on its defences and potential weak points, she had not noticed Kaa the snake slithering from the branches to capture this loinclothed draped spy from America and give her a permanent home her in the jungle.
For all of Kim's acrobatic prowess and strong determination, it isn't enough to resist the serpents spell.
Will Ron show up to save her? Or will the spy meet her final match?

"This Way Please"
The rainforest native, Inami, finds himself hypnotized and toyed with a snake who wishes to play around with its human captive.
Is this the Naganized Hyaema messing about with a friend?
Or is this perhaps a large snake looking to mock its living meal before a good digestive afternoon.
For his safety, I certainly hope its the former.
(Character belongs to Seahorse Animation)

Another Day of Play
Telia: "Cassea! Lovely running into you again!"
Cassea: "Ah, if it isn't my favourite non-furry plaything."
Telia: "Uhh. Thanks."
(Cassea belongs to FluffyXai)

Last Witch Kisses
With Akko and Lotte getting into a spat after Akko got them both lost in a dangerous forest, the two hadn't taken into account that there loud bickering attracted the presence of something very hungry. 
Of course, the serpent in question didn't want these two to go out on a sour note, and offered to temper there argument.
With them both under his mind control, he caused them to both kiss and make up, forget about him, forget about being lost. Just embrace there strong friendship. Embrace each other.
Kiss and make up.
They would be making up, long after the world outside of Kaa's belly could ever see them again.
(Characters belong to Yoh Yoshinari)

A Meal and a Snack

A Charity event for Animal Rights went for the most part well, and a little bit south when reports of one of the events singers and a reporter covering the event went missing later in the afternoon.
At least an animal got a good feeding that day.
(Characters featured = Irma (TMNT) and Jeanette (Alvin & the Chipmunks))


Orangemegaman said...

Going to miss you on devinart

Henry Scouple said...

@Orangemegaman Clears up my schedule for more Youtube though,
so Silver lining. :D

Bob said...

Very true, thanks for helping out the kaa community

Eloman said...

I'll miss you being on Deviantart you're doing 👍

Eloman said...

Please don't delete my comments you're cool

Anonymous said...

Wow! Kim Possible is really good in your style. Hope we'll see her again!

Eloman said...

I love Kim artwork style looks awesome 😍💗

Elis said...

also I love how you make Inami being hypnosis by a snake I hope you do more of him ;)

Roman K. said...

yes, it would be nice if all the works from Devianart could be saved here...

Eloman said...

This is so nicely well done

Elis said...

I like Kaa hypnosis Inami

Bobobo said...

Hello there nice meet you doing great I love you.

Voodoo Martinez said...

Well hello I also like snakes squeezing younglings as will

Elis said...

I miss seeing Budgie from Ferngully being snake coiled some more

Elis said...

I love this