Thursday 26 September 2024

September 2024

Slowed Minds

Frances was escorted to a long dirt tunnel by her adventurous and conspiratorial friend, Sticks.

Believing said underground tunnel was a secret attack strategy method by the mole people that would be deployed any day now, Sticks brought Frances along for the both of them to venture down and strike before any danger came to Green Hill Zone.

The path seemed very straightforward, which consequently lead to them falling down a hole after they were both too distracted with Sticks making plots on how they were going to sabotage the saboteurs. 

Instead of a rough landing on dirt, the their fall was cushioned by something jelly-like.

They would both consequently discover the tunnel in question was a passageway for a giant rainforest snake to use to get in and out of its resting place.

And with how little life source there was at the deepest part of its den, it made the hypnotic glowing eyes the most eye-catching light source.

It seemed the two were lucky the serpent was digesting on a recent catch and hadn't the intention to eat them. But it certainly wasn't going to let two unaccounted for humans leave with no repercussions.

Assuming it had in mind to let them go at all.

A 2 Kairi Massage

Taking the Gummy ship to a new world, Sora found himself in a jungle world and his clothes transformed into a loincloth.

After looking around for Heartless that the ship detected would be present, he came across his missing friend, Kairi.

Two Kairi's! Except both of them didn't merely get the loincloth treatment, it seemed on this world their legs got swapped out for two giant snake tails.

Normally when something serpentine threw its tail forward to wrap him up, Sora would react fast enough to strike it back, but the presence of his best friend duplicated and monsternized was leaving him more baffled than he had ever been on this adventure yet.

Adult Ssssupervision

After dealing with all the Earth Corp nonsense and there bouts with Devilotte especially. The two orphaned siblings Bao and Mao made their way to a very fertile tropical landscape much like there old home. Full of life!

The two rested by a tree with both nodding off quickly.

Mao however stirred awake when she felt an odd squishy blanket wrapped around her, before she could properly examine what it was she found herself yanked up high up above the tall tree and meet face to face with a talking serpent. 

"Sssuch a sssweet brother of yours you have there." Kaa spoke, having eavesdropped on the two of them chatting for some time. "It must be niccce having someone care sssso much for their sibling. But he'sss a too young to be a guardian to you. Let me help you."

Before Mao could say anything of objection or call for Bao, she found herself silenced by the magical eyes of the serpent. For the first time in a long time, she wore a cute smile.

Will Bao wake up in time to find his sister missing? Or does the boy even need to save her in the first place?

Saturday 7 September 2024

Game Screenshots

Sometimes I have the urge to take some screenshots of the games I play and show them off.
If anyone's even passingly interested, you can view them here.

A Pair of Red-Haired Tomboys
Looks like Nalee Takoo has taken up some farming practice and happens to bump into one of the characters that helped inspire her very creation.

Friday 6 September 2024

Nurgle loves You!

It has been amusing wondering where my characters would align as races in the Warhammer universe, but even more entertaining picture which Chaos God they would fall corruption to.
With some being more obvious then others, the one I come back to all the time is Telia Whiteclaw as Tel'Ia, Grovekeeper of the Boil-Makers and rider of Plagueclaw.
Something especially entertaining about Telia being her usual happy-go-lucky self despite her bodily condition and surroundings.

Click  "Read More" for your doss of gross-out