Monday 29 July 2024


Naga Kairi captures Mermaid Chihiro

Naga Simba captures Nala

Sunday 28 July 2024

July 2024

Milk for a Kang

 It's dangerous for woman to go alone into Safari Zone. A mysterious Arbok-like creature has been known to slither nearby in the tall grass when girls go Pokemon catching/observing.

Beauty & The Blissed

The Digital Circus crew had completed Caines latest objective that took place in an oversized child's bedroom filled with sentient toys of all kinds.
All of the team made it back to the circus only to find Ragatha missing, with Caine threatening the idea that if she didn't reach a portal back to the Digital world by the end of the day, then she would be left behind in ToyRoom.bsp until the Tooth-God had another idea to reuse the location (Assuming he would have one eventually)

Ragatha herself however seems like she will have no chance before the gap.
Having explored a Pillow fort for the location of a key, she was sprung by a rather squeeze-happy woolly snake plush that always wanted to flex its squishing power on a doll much like Ragatha.
With a hypnotic spell invading her mind, the jolly older-sister-like girl would find it impossible in two different manners to escape the snake and make it back home.
Despite being gripped by the serpent, she felt no pain. 
It was like she was comforted by a warm blanket on a cold night.
At any moment she could fall into deep sleep, only awake for the moment to soak in as much of those rainbow eyes as she could muster with her strength. It felt like the visual equivalent of drinking refreshing cranberry juice after being dehydrated in the mouth the second earlier.
For the first time since she could remember (So, since she first entered the Digital Circus) she was finally at peace.

Painters Peril

Adeleine was getting a little too creative with her painting skills and not thinking entirely about potential consequences of her results.
Typically whatever pops out is allied to its creator, but this snake drawing with rainbow eyes had a mind of its own.
"Sssssoooo." He hissed at his mesmerized painter. "You can draw thingsss to life can you. What ssssay you give me ssssomething to eat, and if it's tassssty... I don't put YOU in my sssstomach?"