Tuesday 15 October 2024

October 2024


Deadly Imagination

Mononoke-San takes it upon herself to help see the spirits and gods taken care of from humankind that simultaneously separated itself from the wild, while also tearing it down.

As a method to take revenge upon them, as well as boost the morale of the forest inhabitants, San has successfully lured the youth, the future generation that the townsfolk would rely on to carry out the future, entrapped in the coils of a very long, very powerful, very hungry serpent. That will squeeze each and everyone of these poor lads to submission before being swallowed alive seems like a mercy.

It amuses Mononoke to see the invaders so powerless and useslessly struggling, it will be so much nicer when they're wiggling bulges in Korail's stomach.

Made Powerless

Being a half-godly telepath, one would think it wouldn't be possible for a snake to take down the Genocyber splinter, Elaine Reed. But when ambushed it certainly can.

The blonde girl was merely trekking around aimlessly when the massive green man-eater struck from the corner the performed an aggressive bite before pulling her with great strength into its massive coils.

The bite itself was painful, and enough to both confuse and stagger the metahuman, and with the immediate strangulation that followed the next second, Elaine's blood was rushing and her head was failing to comprehend the situation exactly for what it is, only focusing on her bruising pain. Making it difficult to use her telepathy to bail herself out of the situation.

And with each and each press of the massive coils, the mute was losing consciousness, her vision became blurry, the eyelips were rapid-fire blinking, the taste of blood filled her mouth and her limps went lifeless, with the coils themselves keeping her from collapsing to the floor like a corpse.

She wasn't quiet dead, yet the python unhinged its jaws to start eating.

This could perhaps be a small blessing for Elaine by buying her precious time to recooperate herself and use her abilities to shred the snake to mince meat, but if she passes out inside the disgusting belly, then the Godly child become nothing more than meat for the snake.

Gangles Replacement Body

After the circus's latest off-world adventure was complete, Gangle came back with a new possession. Literally.

Typically Caine doesn't like NPC's running around his playroom, but if Gangle keeps attached to this body then Telia will only ever equate to an inanimate toy for ribbons to parade around as her new skin. 

Thursday 26 September 2024

September 2024

Slowed Minds

Frances was escorted to a long dirt tunnel by her adventurous and conspiratorial friend, Sticks.

Believing said underground tunnel was a secret attack strategy method by the mole people that would be deployed any day now, Sticks brought Frances along for the both of them to venture down and strike before any danger came to Green Hill Zone.

The path seemed very straightforward, which consequently lead to them falling down a hole after they were both too distracted with Sticks making plots on how they were going to sabotage the saboteurs. 

Instead of a rough landing on dirt, the their fall was cushioned by something jelly-like.

They would both consequently discover the tunnel in question was a passageway for a giant rainforest snake to use to get in and out of its resting place.

And with how little life source there was at the deepest part of its den, it made the hypnotic glowing eyes the most eye-catching light source.

It seemed the two were lucky the serpent was digesting on a recent catch and hadn't the intention to eat them. But it certainly wasn't going to let two unaccounted for humans leave with no repercussions.

Assuming it had in mind to let them go at all.

A 2 Kairi Massage

Taking the Gummy ship to a new world, Sora found himself in a jungle world and his clothes transformed into a loincloth.

After looking around for Heartless that the ship detected would be present, he came across his missing friend, Kairi.

Two Kairi's! Except both of them didn't merely get the loincloth treatment, it seemed on this world their legs got swapped out for two giant snake tails.

Normally when something serpentine threw its tail forward to wrap him up, Sora would react fast enough to strike it back, but the presence of his best friend duplicated and monsternized was leaving him more baffled than he had ever been on this adventure yet.

Adult Ssssupervision

After dealing with all the Earth Corp nonsense and there bouts with Devilotte especially. The two orphaned siblings Bao and Mao made their way to a very fertile tropical landscape much like there old home. Full of life!

The two rested by a tree with both nodding off quickly.

Mao however stirred awake when she felt an odd squishy blanket wrapped around her, before she could properly examine what it was she found herself yanked up high up above the tall tree and meet face to face with a talking serpent. 

"Sssuch a sssweet brother of yours you have there." Kaa spoke, having eavesdropped on the two of them chatting for some time. "It must be niccce having someone care sssso much for their sibling. But he'sss a too young to be a guardian to you. Let me help you."

Before Mao could say anything of objection or call for Bao, she found herself silenced by the magical eyes of the serpent. For the first time in a long time, she wore a cute smile.

Will Bao wake up in time to find his sister missing? Or does the boy even need to save her in the first place?

Saturday 7 September 2024

Game Screenshots

Sometimes I have the urge to take some screenshots of the games I play and show them off.
If anyone's even passingly interested, you can view them here.

A Pair of Red-Haired Tomboys
Looks like Nalee Takoo has taken up some farming practice and happens to bump into one of the characters that helped inspire her very creation.

Friday 6 September 2024

Nurgle loves You!

It has been amusing wondering where my characters would align as races in the Warhammer universe, but even more entertaining picture which Chaos God they would fall corruption to.
With some being more obvious then others, the one I come back to all the time is Telia Whiteclaw as Tel'Ia, Grovekeeper of the Boil-Makers and rider of Plagueclaw.
Something especially entertaining about Telia being her usual happy-go-lucky self despite her bodily condition and surroundings.

Click  "Read More" for your doss of gross-out

Friday 30 August 2024

Two-Snakes, Two-Cubs [4 Page Comic]

Saria and Link, despite all their survival experience in the Lost Woods, find themselves hostage to not just one, but two serpentine creatures that have special eyes locked on to them.

Or, are the two cubs locked on to the snake eyes?

Friday 23 August 2024

August 2024

Four-Course Cave-Food

 It seems Kaa's luck has turned around. After much bad luck with capturing man-cubs in the past, he is now treated in the subduing of four to fill up his very large belly. With all four under his spell, 3 already dozed off, and no other protector in sight, the question is who will slip and slide inside his belly first?


While the guards worked to keep the cursed King & Queen secure, Princess Ellian scoured the palace basement apothecary in search of any magical McGuffins in the hopes of an easy answer solution to her family's current predicament.
Ellain figured it was safe enough to point the objects towards the downstairs linen dummies to test the capabilities of whatever she was finding, not anticipating the idea that something in the storage could bring a lifeform in with her.
When channelling a staff, suddenly a bright explosion of sparks occurred and the next thing she new a snake plopped right in front of her, bigger then any snake she had believed plausibly existed.
Before she could figure out how to desummon the creature, it lashed its tail and binded her hands together like handcuffs, the reflex caused her to drop the staff. A strong tug followed through and the princess was pushed forward and bumped head-to-head with the pythons.
The snake started asking questions as it beamed its ever-changing rainbow eyes right into her own. and Ellain answered them all, confused at the creatures rather polite and inquisitive nature, not understanding that the questions themselves were a literally mindful distraction, allowing his magic to embed themselves deeper and deeper into her subconsciousness.
To late did it occur to her something was wrong, it seemed like a mere 1 second when she had that thought of danger did she suddenly feel herself entombed in the snakes powerful clutches.
It would be difficult even at full consciousness to call out for help and be heard with how far in the cellar she was, much more harder feeling like she should be tucked in a warm bed 6 hours ago.

Get Jinxed

Raven: "Whoda thought with all our magic, some nice binding coils and a simple hypnotic spell would make our hero work so much easier."

Starfire: "Shall we hurry and take the evil enchantress to Belle Reve now?"

Raven: "Hold on a second Kori, this one's given us more trouble then most. What say we have some fun with this doll before putting it away."

Character Collage [Kurian Tales]

Plan to do another with the Jungle Juveniles cast going in the reverse order. But in due time, got many, many other ideas to get to.

Sunday 18 August 2024

Japan Trip

Not long ago I vacationed for awhile in Japan and saw many sites, and went and visited many hotspots. Took half a thousand photos.
Not going to post everything like a Facebook mum, but a few highlights that might entertain a few of my followers that may take a trip out there as well can't hurt.

Narita Airport

 Photo taken arriving into Tokyo-Japan seeing Mount Fuji from the plane, combo pictured with a mural upon entering the airport

Thursday 8 August 2024

Endo Pieces

 Comic pages of characters willingly being eaten by snakes.

Monday 29 July 2024


Naga Kairi captures Mermaid Chihiro

Naga Simba captures Nala

Sunday 28 July 2024

July 2024

Milk for a Kang

 It's dangerous for woman to go alone into Safari Zone. A mysterious Arbok-like creature has been known to slither nearby in the tall grass when girls go Pokemon catching/observing.

Beauty & The Blissed

The Digital Circus crew had completed Caines latest objective that took place in an oversized child's bedroom filled with sentient toys of all kinds.
All of the team made it back to the circus only to find Ragatha missing, with Caine threatening the idea that if she didn't reach a portal back to the Digital world by the end of the day, then she would be left behind in ToyRoom.bsp until the Tooth-God had another idea to reuse the location (Assuming he would have one eventually)

Ragatha herself however seems like she will have no chance before the gap.
Having explored a Pillow fort for the location of a key, she was sprung by a rather squeeze-happy woolly snake plush that always wanted to flex its squishing power on a doll much like Ragatha.
With a hypnotic spell invading her mind, the jolly older-sister-like girl would find it impossible in two different manners to escape the snake and make it back home.
Despite being gripped by the serpent, she felt no pain. 
It was like she was comforted by a warm blanket on a cold night.
At any moment she could fall into deep sleep, only awake for the moment to soak in as much of those rainbow eyes as she could muster with her strength. It felt like the visual equivalent of drinking refreshing cranberry juice after being dehydrated in the mouth the second earlier.
For the first time since she could remember (So, since she first entered the Digital Circus) she was finally at peace.

Painters Peril

Adeleine was getting a little too creative with her painting skills and not thinking entirely about potential consequences of her results.
Typically whatever pops out is allied to its creator, but this snake drawing with rainbow eyes had a mind of its own.
"Sssssoooo." He hissed at his mesmerized painter. "You can draw thingsss to life can you. What ssssay you give me ssssomething to eat, and if it's tassssty... I don't put YOU in my sssstomach?"

Saturday 29 June 2024

June 2024

Juvenile Genderbend
My main list of characters if there Chromosone switch a letter.

Intercepting the Monkey

After being ditched by Terk to go hang out with her own friends, Tarzan decided he needed to man up like a proper non-defective gorilla and headed to the waterfalls to join back up with the other three kids.
However, Terk and the others got quiet a bit of distance well ahead of the orphaned Brit, and as the actually gorilla's had brushed there way through shrubs and all manner of greenery, their loud noises had caught the attention of a hypnotic green boa who had lowered itself and spotted the mammals, it was going to follow them to the waterfall before it heard a slower one coming in from behind.
Ambushing poor Tarzan, the snake made quick work of its hypnotic ability to keep Tarzan's gaze fixated, keep the boy from running off or calling for help.
Tarzans initial fear and panic upon seeing the huge snake, his worries melted away and his scared expression quickly turned into a pleased smile, as if he was comforted by his mother on a nice warm and calm day.
As soon as the serpent was sure Tarzan was under his control, the snake ordered the boy to fall under a deep sleep, and in mere seconds the child was already sleeping and had his mind focused on lovely dreams.
Tarzan's body limp on the floor, the snake then curled its tail around his legs and lifted him upside down to gage any reaction from his upcoming food to see if there was any possibility of him waking up.
Looks like there was no worry about an incoming struggle anytime soon.
Supper's ready!

Hypnosis Addiction

Kaa needn't even implant any secret messages behind your ear to get you addicted, the hypnosis alone will get you hooked on it.

Thursday 27 June 2024

Recovered Comic Strips

Going through Disc-Drives and uncovering more and more previous works, most of these comics are best right-clicked and opened in new Tabs for the full size.

Boring your meals
Kaa wasn't completely oblivious to the idea he could catch prey that would be invulnerably to his hypnosis one way or the other.

But there are more ways to make sure your prey sleeps from within the coiled grasp, no matter how much the will to survive, and knowing going to sleep will be certain death, Toph Beifong cannot succumb to long under Kaa's boring stories before drifting to sleep.