Wednesday, 5 March 2025

March 2025

Kaa's Cheeky Catch

 Sandy's underwater biodome served as an excellent home for quite awhile in Bikini Bottom, but ultimately will serve Kaa in the end. Being a very nicely warm place to digest his Texan dinner without the interruption of any of the other locals.

Mind the Maze

Only one little girl had managed to get through Tzeentch's Maze of Madness.

How she succeeded is unknown, even to the Daemons that occupy it.

To make sure absolutely no one would ever get out again, the Chaos God of Change added a new hypnotic obstacle that no one could resist looking at its glow.

Buddying Up

There are some very weird companions you can make in the 'joy' post-apocalyptic future.
A talking hypnotic snake certainly tops the charts. But hey, they make for a very useful battle ally being able to subdue attackers.
Of course Kaa doesn't need to team up with Buddy to get his own meals, but perhaps he's aware of the rarity of human females these days and wishes to help preserve humanity so he can continue to eat such tasty morsels long term.
Whatever the case, Buddy won't refuse a nice bed of coils to sleep on.

Quickie: Friendship in All Forms

More of Hayami Perusha with Simba and Nala, though this time keeping the two lion cubs as is.
Think of it as late February content as it only came to mind yesterday.
What human doesn't want to be friends with a future king of the pride, and what Lion wouldn't want to be friends with a human that speaks its language.

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Dschungelbuch: Der wolfsjunge

 You've seen 1 of 2 of the Japanese Childrens book adaptations to the Nippon adaptation of the Jungle Book, you've seen the complete tv-series Italian books, now for the German side

There's about 5 of these books, though while I can purchase the whole series through Booklooker, it might be at a later date before I get the whole set, got a lot of money things going around these days and need to watch my current budget.

For now, here's the first book that condenses the first 5 episodes.

Saturday, 1 March 2025

Niko, Let's Go GULPing


Starfire: Over-Stars Wildlife

Investigating the report of a sudden UFO sighting, the Teen Titans headed off into the national park of outside Central City to identify the extra-terrestrials and determine if they were a threat of not.

With the eyes wandering all over the place, their own Alien friend managed to get entangled from knee's to neck within a single second in the coils of an off-world snake. 

It's unclear whose the owner of this snake, as they are not intelligent life in and of themselves, but Starfire isn't complaining. She's familiar with the species. 

Malon: Some Farmers Food

Even with Ganondorf imprisoned, the Dark Forces thwarted, and Hyrule saved, the land still has many dungeons that need their history restored, treasures rekindled and evil-doers 'taken care of'

When things are running smoothly at Lon-Lon-Ranch, Link resumes his hero duties and sees Hyrules safety continue to be a sure thing. And not alone either, Malon keen to spend time with the Fairy Boy and wanting that thrill of adventure herself, practiced with his bow and provides ranged support wherever she can.

One underground temple out in the Kokiri forest took longer to clear than they anticipated and by the time they exited it was already night out.

Link's old Treehouse was only an hour away, but Malon needed to rest her feet for a bit before they made their way to his former shelter.

With the two kids resting beside an especially thick tree, Malon almost dozed off when she felt a very soft blanket placed around her, only to jolt awake when she realized they never brought a blanket.

Her wide-eyed worrying stare landed her sight directly into the hypnotic spell of Kaa the snake who dragged her up high in the tree without even Link's notice.

She tried to call him for aid, but was cute off quickly.

Can Link boomerang Kaa before the sneaky serpent enjoys some off-site Farm Food?

Koko: Secrets of the Seviper

After a long time passed since he left his original jungle home to explore the world like his friend Satoshi, the Zarude raised jungle boy, Koko, journeyed into Hoenn after hearing about another human much like him from the local Pokémon wildlife, a girl roughly his age named Sapphire Birch.

The Hoenn region was home to many new faces that Koko was happy to speak with.

And many dangerous new Pokémon that love to see Koko's face.

Even with all his dash and vine tactics, the red-haired tan man couldn't outdo the glowing special move of a blade-tailed giant worm.

Thursday, 27 February 2025

February 2025

New Victim, Same Victim

The previous 4 years, Taraoichi got reverted back into his younger self which Telia found too adorable to not pick up and hug.

However, this time Telia got the role of being de-aged.

In spite, Taraoichi won't hug her, unfortunately (For him) he's not cruel enough to punch an innocent child and got the usual February treatment anyhow.

Long Lasting Friendship.

What started as a lil'baby snake hatching out of its egg and being grappled by what appeared to be a Giant, ended up with Cassea being the bigger girl out of these two as they got older, able to toss around Telia like a doll if and when she so desired. Or hypnotize her whenever he mind went in mischievous places, which was often.
She's even better at playing Video Games despite the lack of phalanges 

Keybladers Kuddle

The access of multiple worlds allows for many ways to comfort & heal yourself after a hard days battle. Be it the magic of a Neverland Fairy, the strange concoctions in Halloween Town,...

Or how about the massaging coils of Kaa the Python.

Normally a couple of mancubs would make for a good dinner, but understanding the role a Keyblader has in the universe, comforting them weightlessly in his coils is a fun substitute.

Little Begger

"Big Brother. Can I haz Lollipop?"

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

January 2025

A Touching Capture

 Tickle hypnosis is effective to just about everyone with feelings in their soles.

Given Tophs sensibilities, she must be especially susceptive to it.


After Nnu-Anu-Kf's numerous attempts to cheer Shizuka Kuze up fall flat, there was one kind of solution that could be effective as a starting point to work from if not a solution in and of itself.
Placing Shizuka in a calm set of mind from the get go, and letting her mind retreat into good thoughts only and letting them surface not just for the alien octopus to make use of, but hopefully to remind the suicidal girl that there world isn't one big downward spiral.

Typical Kaa isn't one to help man-cubs, seeing them as either food to consume or puppets to play with, but this could be a useful experiment for himself to test his abilities, and if it helps the subject, why not.

Here's hoping they succeed.

The Unsoloable World Boss

After getting intel about the whereabouts of his friend, Sora searched out this jungle themed world in search of Kairi.

Fortunately there were no Heartless infesting this world, but Sora did keep his wits about him and was ready to summon his keyblade at the first sign of trouble.

In a fair fight, Kaa would have no chance against Sora.

But Kaa wasn't a fair person. Using Kairi as live bait, he managed to sneak up on Sora and hypnotize the poor lad.

Sora had the willpower to resist for quiet some time, but without the ability to look away, he couldn't completely break the spell, and with his red-haired friend completely fallen, Kaa commanded her to tickle the boys bare soles, a way to distract Sora and speed up the submission process. 

Unless Donald and Goofy are nearby, the heroic keyblader will be nothing more than Kaa's toy.

A Mega Annoyance

While Kazuma, Aqua & Darkness deal with some Chimera-like monster that's been threatening the local villagers, none of them managed to take notice a second meat-eating creature just casually snagged up their Explosive Sorceress. 

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Manipmaggeddon: 5/5 [Gifs]

Kaa + Darkness: Botched Rescue
Aqua and Megumin's disappearance didn't go unnoticed by the remaining two group members, but in their search for the yellow spotted giant serpent, Darkness found herself gripped by a very different snake, but probably not as friendly.
Not that she's complaining about it.

Tupu/Toupou: Escaped Reptile

When escaping the confinements of his shipping box, the latest New-York-Zoo attraction figured it would have a difficult time catching prey out in the park, as no doubt any human snatched by him wouldn't go unnoticed and have alerted rescuers to his position.
Well shiver his timbers when he found an especially furry one taking a snooze up in the trees far from sight of anyone else.
Wrapping around the helpless girl, it was predictably impossible not to wake her, and sure enough she tries to get this sudden serpent loose.
Make no mistake, Tupu is strong, but her muscle likely can't compete with the strength of a grown python.
Satoshi/Ash: Arbok used Hypnosis

Making friends sometimes has its consequences in making new enemies.
While swinging in the vines along with Koko, Satoshi managed to stagger behind predictably, but while Koko had the expectation that Satoshi would eventually catch up since they were headed in one direction, he didn't expect his new human friend to get pounced by one of Koko's old enemy.
An Arbok that had many failed attempts to consume Koko in the past, likely wouldn't have that problem with Satoshi given the latter's father isn't a hulking Zarude.
Kaa + Tomoko: Spin me right round, baby!

Right round baby, right round like a hurricane.

Monday, 30 December 2024

December 2024


Jungle Bonds

Naganized Mowgli and Junglefied Jumeriah

It seems no matter the reimagined scenario, these two are destined to unite.

(I'll likely do BOTH Naganized next February.)

Nice Cubs

It seems Daveigh Chase characters are the cure for Disney Villains.

Lilo and Scar pairing isn't my idea, but I found it cute, and good to mix in with my own little weird ChiKaa crossover duo.

Two for Two

Nana Suzuki and Hitomi Onodera where taking a different route on the way home from school by taking the dirt path in the forest.
Typically used by several other classmates and their parents so one wouldn't expect to be ambushed by a hungry man-eating animal, but these two girls got subdued by very strange (Yet, somehow very familiar) pair of snakes.

Maybe another Nana can come save the day.

Like Mother Like Son

Just Nalee and Katsuki being Adorable.

Sunday, 29 December 2024

Manipmaggeddon: 4/5 [Lamia Focus]

Max & L-Roxanne: A Dreamy Scenario

Is this still Max's dream, or Roxanne's dream come true.

Chihiro & L-Lilo: New Strength

Possibly thanks to Jumba's mad science idea, Lilo's checking out her new not-pair of tail.
Trying it out for the first time, she hasn't quite got the grip of her... grip.

Chris & L-Frances: Praise or Else

Frances lost her large feet, but gained a more muscular set of coils that will scare the wits out of all the boys. Especially the ones that can't escape.

Conan & L-Lana: Future Fun

Summer Gals, Summer Coils.

Thursday, 26 December 2024

Manipmaggeddon: 3/5

Mouse Ruto: Natural Snake Prey

It was a bad idea for Mouse to test her new mechanical invention out in the woods at the dark of night. To distracted at her drone performance, she did not pay attention to something slithering up to her and capturing her for a nice meal.

Corto, Mouse & Max: Three for Three.

Three 'Sister' snakes (Not related) loved mucking around with the beach inhabitants, though normally have to take turns hypnotizing and squeezing their toys.
Fortunately the three snakes stumbled upon three humans all together in the midst of an argument.
Now neither has to share, each can nab a lady and puppet them to their hearts content.

Lop: The Snake and the Bunny

The galaxy is far and wide, so many opportunities, so many riches,...
So many hungry meat-eating animals.
When Lop showed up in the Indian Jungles, it was such a joy for Kaa. His natural prey but sized up to be human-like. Can't wait for that fur to tickle his insides.

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Manipmaggeddon: 2/5

Kotaro (SotS): Stranger Indeed

 After running all night from the razed village, Kotaro and Tobimaru we're exhausted early into the next day. Resting up for a bit out of sight from everybody else in order to avoid being knabbed by loyalists to the Ming Empire.
Though being isolated from other villagers had its consequences when creatures in the Wild noticed the unsupervised prophet child.
Mary Smith: Wrongfully Accused

While the use of the Fly-by-Night flowers granted Mary many abilities and opportunities, it also invited many dangers.
Many stranger anomalies not known to the general public, but well feared by novice witches and warlocks such as the Odaptus-Coraghi. A Water-like wormy creature that springs on magic users, hypnotizes them to prevent them attacking and envelops them within its own gooey skin.
Aaron Mitchell: Dinosaur Food

Aaron always had a fascination with Dinosaurs, mainly the larger reptiles from the Jurassic period or further in time.
However, he had the fortune of encountering something slightly closer to home, all the way back in the 
Paleocene era.
Though while a reptile, certainly wasn't something in his top 10. Especially given the horrifying situation he found himself in.
Penny (Bolt): Superhero Dog, Supervillain Snake

Penny's search for her best friend lead her to searching many spots all around Hollywood-California for any sign that Bolt had been spotted by any local. Her search continued far from the studio all the way to Shasta-Trinity National Forest.
Though it appears her search had put her in danger, and now the actress needs a real hero to come save her as a superpowered creature captured her in its coils.

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Manipmaggeddon: 1/5

Emma Sharp: A Second Snake

 When Dinosaurs start rampaging on the island, you'd think a Tyrannosaur or Pterodactyls might be the British girls problem.

But while separated from her animal friends, Emma Sharp got sprung by another snake, one much larger then Zelinka and one with the ability to hypnotize.

Perhaps her hope of returning home are not meant to be.

Mila: A Not Casual Encounter

The prehistoric era has a lot of dangers in the woods that can do serious hurt to the nearby cavemen, of course growing up her, even kids of Mila's age just casually bypass them. Including snakes that she normally tangles up with a swift motion.

 However, off days are a thing, even for a hardened era of people. And one slip up on a stroll lands Mila being the one binded between the coils at last, one from a snake that's failed to capture her before. 

Megumin: One Spell

The Explosive Witch just couldn't catch a break since her group of friends got tasked with an adventure out in the woods. First a large number of filthy monkeys grab her from the trees and carry her far away from the rest of her companions, and after using her explosive magic to ward them off, it ends up attracting the attention of a massive magical snake that brought her mind down to a helpless state.

Aqua: Even more useless.

With Megumin missing out in the woods, the adventurers made efforts to go searching for any signs of her presences, they had a lead when a massive explosion went off shortly after she disappeared, but she had clearly moved when the team found the crater.

While the team of three stuck together, Kazuma and Darkness where talking about recent matters with each other, and none of them noticed Aqua who was originally just a few feet away from them suddenly disappeared without so much of a squeak of noise that suggested something pounced her.

Turns out Aqua will find Megumin first, though not from a position to help.

Friday, 13 December 2024

Nurgle loves You!

It has been amusing wondering where my characters would align as races in the Warhammer universe, but even more entertaining picture which Chaos God they would fall corruption to.
With some being more obvious then others, the one I come back to all the time is Telia Whiteclaw as Tel'Ia, Grovekeeper of the Boil-Makers and rider of Plagueclaw.
Something especially entertaining about Telia being her usual happy-go-lucky self despite her bodily condition and surroundings.

Click  "Read More" for your doss of gross-out

Thursday, 21 November 2024

November 2024

Alien Adoption

 At first when Kaa saw the meek ginger human girl walking alone in the jungle, he expected an easy meal to snatch, hypnotize, coil up, and swallow.

Unfortunately his snack was about to be stolen from him two rouge wolves ran in close in front of the human and prepped for a pounce attack. When the ginger girl suddenly chanted something gibberish and repelled the wolves with bolts of light that seemed to cause much harm to the fanged furballs.

Suddenly Gwen became vulnerable to be ensnared by Kaa again, though perhaps eating her would be to short-sighted.

Using his tail like a Lasso and bringing her up in the treetops to hypnotize before she had the appropriate time to react, Kaa put the sorceress under his command.

This was the mere first taste of hypnosis to come. While the hypnotic rings of Kaa's was not permanent, each dose would engrain itself further and further in the back of the mind until it surfaced to the front.

After the first long dose of hypnosis, Gwen woke up snuggled in Kaa's comfy coils, Kaa established himself as a friend who helped keep her rested out here in the dangerous woods. Unsure if she believed him, but thankful for the kindness regardless, she was ready to leave before him ambushed her again and put her under, this time with less resistance.

Kaa kept at it, many more times, into the night and early into the next day, even making time to gather some bananas to feed his captive.

The original Gwen was having a hard time considering Kaa's proposal of abandoning her family, her friends and her responsibilities back home to live it out in the woods with a snake and use her magic to get him whatever meal he desired in exchange for the ecstasy of the hypnosis and the comfort of his outer-belly. But she was falling deeper and deeper, losing her original self and moulding into Kaa's perfect 'servant'.

Why risk her life constantly fighting supernatural or extra-terrestrial threats every day when she can live among the carefree animals and learn there speech. A snake master would only ask so much from her, sure she would help feed him.

Devils Kiss

Scenario: You're in a pub with all Capcom Characters, who are you hitting on?

Comfe Bronte

No threat of vore, No forced puppeteering, No bribery, probably No hypnosis involved either.
Just a normal girl who lived close to the woods getting blanketed up by Kaa the python.
He ain't hungry, and the girl would make for a poor meal anyway, and with Kaa having a lazy day anyway, he can spare some of his mass for another sleepy fella.

Redo (Sequel): A Squeezy Reunion

"Ah, Onari. It'ssss been so long, How's my favourite sssssqueeze toy?"
Onari was so tiny, yet so durable.

Amidst the many deviations I lost last year, I recalled one regarding a pic of Kaa squeezing Onari from Oni: Thunder Gods Tale. So I set about redoing it. And I prefer how this one came out compared to the first drawing

Friday, 25 October 2024

October 2024


Deadly Imagination

Mononoke-San takes it upon herself to help see the spirits and gods taken care of from humankind that simultaneously separated itself from the wild, while also tearing it down.

As a method to take revenge upon them, as well as boost the morale of the forest inhabitants, San has successfully lured the youth, the future generation that the townsfolk would rely on to carry out the future, entrapped in the coils of a very long, very powerful, very hungry serpent. That will squeeze each and everyone of these poor lads to submission before being swallowed alive seems like a mercy.

It amuses Mononoke to see the invaders so powerless and useslessly struggling, it will be so much nicer when they're wiggling bulges in Korail's stomach.

Made Powerless

Being a half-godly telepath, one would think it wouldn't be possible for a snake to take down the Genocyber splinter, Elaine Reed. But when ambushed it certainly can.

The blonde girl was merely trekking around aimlessly when the massive green man-eater struck from the corner the performed an aggressive bite before pulling her with great strength into its massive coils.

The bite itself was painful, and enough to both confuse and stagger the metahuman, and with the immediate strangulation that followed the next second, Elaine's blood was rushing and her head was failing to comprehend the situation exactly for what it is, only focusing on her bruising pain. Making it difficult to use her telepathy to bail herself out of the situation.

And with each and each press of the massive coils, the mute was losing consciousness, her vision became blurry, the eyelips were rapid-fire blinking, the taste of blood filled her mouth and her limps went lifeless, with the coils themselves keeping her from collapsing to the floor like a corpse.

She wasn't quiet dead, yet the python unhinged its jaws to start eating.

This could perhaps be a small blessing for Elaine by buying her precious time to recooperate herself and use her abilities to shred the snake to mince meat, but if she passes out inside the disgusting belly, then the Godly child become nothing more than meat for the snake.

Gangles Replacement Body

After the circus's latest off-world adventure was complete, Gangle came back with a new possession. Literally.

Typically Caine doesn't like NPC's running around his playroom, but if Gangle keeps attached to this body then Telia will only ever equate to an inanimate toy for ribbons to parade around as her new skin. 

Thursday, 26 September 2024

September 2024

Slowed Minds

Frances was escorted to a long dirt tunnel by her adventurous and conspiratorial friend, Sticks.

Believing said underground tunnel was a secret attack strategy method by the mole people that would be deployed any day now, Sticks brought Frances along for the both of them to venture down and strike before any danger came to Green Hill Zone.

The path seemed very straightforward, which consequently lead to them falling down a hole after they were both too distracted with Sticks making plots on how they were going to sabotage the saboteurs. 

Instead of a rough landing on dirt, the their fall was cushioned by something jelly-like.

They would both consequently discover the tunnel in question was a passageway for a giant rainforest snake to use to get in and out of its resting place.

And with how little life source there was at the deepest part of its den, it made the hypnotic glowing eyes the most eye-catching light source.

It seemed the two were lucky the serpent was digesting on a recent catch and hadn't the intention to eat them. But it certainly wasn't going to let two unaccounted for humans leave with no repercussions.

Assuming it had in mind to let them go at all.

A 2 Kairi Massage

Taking the Gummy ship to a new world, Sora found himself in a jungle world and his clothes transformed into a loincloth.

After looking around for Heartless that the ship detected would be present, he came across his missing friend, Kairi.

Two Kairi's! Except both of them didn't merely get the loincloth treatment, it seemed on this world their legs got swapped out for two giant snake tails.

Normally when something serpentine threw its tail forward to wrap him up, Sora would react fast enough to strike it back, but the presence of his best friend duplicated and monsternized was leaving him more baffled than he had ever been on this adventure yet.

Adult Ssssupervision

After dealing with all the Earth Corp nonsense and there bouts with Devilotte especially. The two orphaned siblings Bao and Mao made their way to a very fertile tropical landscape much like there old home. Full of life!

The two rested by a tree with both nodding off quickly.

Mao however stirred awake when she felt an odd squishy blanket wrapped around her, before she could properly examine what it was she found herself yanked up high up above the tall tree and meet face to face with a talking serpent. 

"Sssuch a sssweet brother of yours you have there." Kaa spoke, having eavesdropped on the two of them chatting for some time. "It must be niccce having someone care sssso much for their sibling. But he'sss a too young to be a guardian to you. Let me help you."

Before Mao could say anything of objection or call for Bao, she found herself silenced by the magical eyes of the serpent. For the first time in a long time, she wore a cute smile.

Will Bao wake up in time to find his sister missing? Or does the boy even need to save her in the first place?