Tuesday, 18 February 2025

February 2025

New Victim, Same Victim

The previous 4 years, Taraoichi got reverted back into his younger self which Telia found too adorable to not pick up and hug.

However, this time Telia got the role of being de-aged.

In spite, Taraoichi won't hug her, unfortunately (For him) he's not cruel enough to punch an innocent child and got the usual February treatment anyhow.

Long Lasting Friendship.

What started as a lil'baby snake hatching out of its egg and being grappled by what appeared to be a Giant, ended up with Cassea being the bigger girl out of these two as they got older, able to toss around Telia like a doll if and when she so desired. Or hypnotize her whenever he mind went in mischievous places, which was often.
She's even better at playing Video Games despite the lack of phalanges 

Keybladers Kuddle

The access of multiple worlds allows for many ways to comfort & heal yourself after a hard days battle. Be it the magic of a Neverland Fairy, the strange concoctions in Halloween Town,...

Or how about the massaging coils of Kaa the Python.

Normally a couple of mancubs would make for a good dinner, but understanding the role a Keyblader has in the universe, comforting them weightlessly in his coils is a fun substitute.

Little Begger

"Big Brother. Can I haz Lollipop?"